Millionaires on the Move In Training

Our goal is excellence! And my goal is to equip you with the tools you need to achieve success.

My belief is that if you have what you need at your fingertips you will feel empowered to conduct business with integrity and professionalism!

The purpose of this website is to offer you the tools so that you can sell your product, build a strong customer base, and make positive daily choices to get your systems in place so that you may book, coach, sell and recruit with integrity and a positive expectancy.

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Warm Chatter Ideas
8-11-05 12:58 Ellie Blatt (8)
   Hi ladies! I read something interesting about business cards and thought I'd pass this info on to you. First, they told what makes a great card. Features like eye catching colors, images...particularly those that pertain to what you do, and quality of paper used. I looked at both my business cards, my Signs Now and my Mary Kay.  I took note of what they spoke about and realized both my cards were right on the mark. Particularly our MK cards. The images of our products make an imprint on the mind. They speak for us just by that alone.

     Now, since we have the best quality cards to hand out, we need to know how to hand them out. This is critical in making the cards work for us. When you present a card to someone...First, hold the card in your hand and look at it closely, then they recommend saying an affirmation out loud
. Example: "This is my business card. There are many others out there, but none of them are like mine - because there's nobody else like me.(You pre - sell yourself with this statement and get their attention).   My business card is not a formality. It's not a piece of paper containing my contact information. And it's not another annoying thing to keep in my pocket. My business card is the most important networking tool that I own. It's a reflection of my personal brand and a bite-sized morsel of the mission of my business. I LOVE my business card. And I can't wait until somebody asks me for one. Because when they do, I will find a way to give that person value."
       I found this exteremly interesting. I read it over and over, and finally realized, you need to make an impression if you want a response from handing out a card. Otherwise, it probably ends up in the trash and YOU are most likely forgotten. I hand out alot of cards between the two businesses, and I wondered just how many are really doing my businesses any good.    
        So, I put this to the test. When I handed out my cards recently I said the "affirmation", maybe not in the exact words or all the words, but something on the order of it. Wow! What a difference in response from the people. They didn't just take it and shove it in a pocket, they actually looked at it and said things like I'll be in touch or I know someone who'll be interested too. I've received actual sales from just handing out the cards. This is a big difference from just "here's my card, I hope to hear from you."
        I know we have a contact card, but I have found not everyone wanting to take time to fill them out and some who are wavering on interest will be persuaded when they hear you speak with confidence and pride in what you are offering. Well, that's my two cents worth for the day! Good luck networking! Hugs, Ellie

AWESOME Warm Chattering Idea!!!

Thank you Terri Simon for the great picture!
Attach new lip color samples to a snap ring (found in the craft dept. of walmart) and hang it from your purse!  Just watch the attention it grabs for you!

 Survey women you havent facialed yet about our new Lipsticks and glosses using the Hot Lips Survey Form.

Click here for the Hot Lips Survey



$10 Gift Card for Warm Chatter
I loved the idea from NSD Rebecca Evans about using a Gift Certificate for warm chatter booking. When they use their certificate, they do it on your website. While checking out, they key in all the important information that you need for following up and adding them to your PCP list. Since you make the delivery in person, you have another opportunity to make a good impression and book the class. Only people really interested will hit on your website.

The $10 Gift Card that you use for this is in pdf, but I've made it so you can put in your personal information.  Type your information in over mine.

Be sure to put in a certificate number. Start the numbering at 150 (won't you look successful? :) so you can track the entries. Carry a little notebook or your datebook and write down a little bit about the person next to the tracking number, so when she registers, you'll remember who she is. That's what the certificate number is for. Date them for two to four weeks out.

Below is the info based on Rebecca Evans information.

Okay, everybody! This is what National Sales Director/Las Vegas, Rebecca Evans, gave the Directors yesterday at their workshop. Let me repeat her thoughts on why she used this certificate. It is similar to what has been going around - $10 free MK with facial - but hers has a unique twist to it and her reasons are just plain, good common sense.

She explained that she moved to Las Vegas, left her Unit and her customers in California and decided that she was either going to give up or go up. She decided to go up. Being that she knew absolutely no one in Las Vegas, she had to create a way to seek out new leads. She explained that it can sometimes be "suicide on the installment plan" when we or our Consultants use warm chatter techniques, facial boxes, etc. The follow-up calls are time-consuming and favorable results are rare. Plus 70% of our communication is non-verbal (body language, smiling, smell good, look good, caring, etc).

She devised this plan of reaching a new customer base because it puts the ball into the prospect's court. Her goal was to add 500 women to her PCP program via 'hits' on her Web Site... she explained that shopping from our computers is 'in' and we're not taking advantage of it as we could.
Her Certificate is for $10 free product, shopped for at her Web Site. The clients HAVE to give all pertinent information. For security, they put in their certificate number (these can be anything you want). You call to see where she wants her product delivered, never mailed. Make it up really special and then you can work the delivery as an avenue for booking a MK Event. Body language again!
Rebecca handed out over 500 certificates (she said as Directors we could easily do a 100 a week (Whew! No wonder she's a National!!) Out of that 500, she had over 350 hits to her Web Site, got over 250 bookings and secured 6 off-springs in one year!!
Of course, the twist is the product needs to be chosen on line. Only those who want it will shop for it and you've got a definite, and probably, successful lead without using the telephone, plus she's on your mailing list!
This is the explanation she gave for money output: Say you get a 10 hits out of 100 handed out.Without any other purchases (which is rare) that cost you $50 wholesale. She asked, "How long would you normally spend on a telephone trying to secure leads?" And, "How devastating that can sometimes be to your esteem? Most discouraging, right? "Is your time worth $50 for a 10 hits on your website using the tried and true MK Image body language? And you have a definite interested prospect!" It made sense to me!!

Okay, here's her dialogue (With pin on, MK Image, Go Bag)

"I don't know if you noticed but I'm with Mary Kay. Are you on anyone's Mary Kay mailing list?" (tilt head to left, squint eyebrows together as if really concerned)

If no, "So you don't have a Consultant servicing you?" (If yes, then follow MK Golden Rule, but have her encourage her consultant to put her on the company's Preferred Customer List) If prospect says no, (Intake of breath,)

"You don't!" (hand over heart)

"I'd love to put you on mine. I send my Preferred Customers 4 quarterly catalogs, each with a great gift with purchase, lots of samples and the latest in glamour. How would that be?" (Bite lower lip)

If prospect says yes, say "My catalogs are on my Web Site, plus so much more. May I give you a Gift Certificate for $10 and you can go and shop at your convenience? What do you think you'd like to purchase - a lip gloss, a new mascara? When you've made a product choice, just check out, type in all your information, just as you would if you made any other type of purchases online, but tell the computer that you'll be contacting me for payment choice... that's when I can deliver your product FREE."

Thank her and tell her you will be looking forward seeing her certificate being redeemed.

Not very intimidating, is it? You'll also see that we can go ahead and get pertinent information if she's willing, but that's not imperative. If she's interested, she'll hit on your Web Site... WOW, does this ever take the heat off both parties in a conversation. Rebecca's second idea was also masterful. She lines up all her personal guests to her success Meetings in the first 10 days of the month. To each prospective guest she offers a $30 Shopping Spree on her website, delivering the guest's products on the night of the guest event scheduled and only when she actually comes. Do you all see how efficient this is? First, she DEFINITELY will come; second, another hit with all information into your computer!!!