Millionaires on the Move In Training

Our goal is excellence! And my goal is to equip you with the tools you need to achieve success.

My belief is that if you have what you need at your fingertips you will feel empowered to conduct business with integrity and professionalism!

The purpose of this website is to offer you the tools so that you can sell your product, build a strong customer base, and make positive daily choices to get your systems in place so that you may book, coach, sell and recruit with integrity and a positive expectancy.

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Success Meetings

You are on your way to accomplishing great things in your Mary kay business.  School is never out for the pro.  And you have to show up to grow up.  As your director I put lots of energy into making sure that you receive the best training possible.  Be in the "Can't Miss A Thing Club." 

The Monday Night Live Success Meeting is all like College and Cash Night.  It is to give you inspiration, motivation, education and cash.  Bring Guests for facials and to hear the career information.  Be on time and look sharp in your MK Attire - A Dress, Suit, Skirt (NO PANTS).  Make Child Care Arrangements and bring a Spiral Notebook. 

Join us every Monday Nite for Monday Nite Live and it is all the way live.  Nothing in Mary Kay is mandatory, but Success Meetings are mandatory for your succes.. Mary Kay Ash used to say if you miss one you are sick, two you are dying and three you are dead in terms of your business and that is true.  If you want a thriving business be around the winners.  If you had a great week, then the meeting needs you to add your expertise and energy.  If you had a challenging week, then you need the meeting to be uplifted and energized.  The winners are there.  We call our Monday Nite Live because it is live with inspiration, motivation and education. 

Mary Kay Professional Attire

Success Meeting Etiquette