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Top Tips from Dacia Wiegandt
(MK Youngest National Sales Director):

1.Making a decision before going in-Decide that there is no turning back!

2.Project who your team will be-make a list of everyone that will be on your team (EXPECT IT!)

3.Hold at least 1 appointment a day

4.Interview EVERYONE (do not prejudge)

5.Pull inventory as soon as they sign (have your director do this until you feel comfortable)

6.Have a sense of urgency

7.Get 10 new contacts a day

8.Have a least 2 new bookings a day

9.Get your team excited! Offer an incentive for charter members of your future unit

10.No TV or radio-only listen to positive c.d.'s/music

11.Talk to someone who believes in you-always go up (director, national, etc.)

12.Only speak excellence-No negativity

13. If you have any doubts-Call your director

14.When there is a down day (and there will be) think about your big girl dreams, the suit, the big paychecks,the Cadillac, the diamonds, etc...)

15. Surround yourself with your goals-be obsessed with it!

16.Pray that God will lead you to women that need this opportunity

You can do it and I beelieve in you!