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For New Consultants who just received their Starter Kit

************LET'S GET STARTED*********

New Consultant Checklist:
1. Place your initial wholesale order.
Listen to the Inventory Tape and Review the Mary Kay New Consultant Optional Order Form. I'll be talking to you more about this.

2. Order your Business Cards.
Review the MK Impressions Order Form

3. Book 10 classes/appointments
Perfect Start = 15 faces in 15 days
Power Start = 30 faces in 30 days

4. Get out 3-4 of the TIMEWISE Business Class sets. The instructions for doing this are listed under the FIRST 2 headings in this training section. THIS IS AN AWESOME WAY TO START MAKING MONEY FAST IF YOU DON T HAVE MUCH TIME

5. Open your Personal Mary Kay checking account Preview the MK Checks in the MK Impressions order form

6. Work with your Director to create the plan of action you need to take to reach your goals. Goal setting is a must! A personal telephone meeting should be scheduled with me so that I can advise you on how to begin making your dreams come true.

7. Bring one or more guest(s) to your next local meeting or guest event.

The TRAINING CENTER section of this website is for excellent ideas and motivation! Please refer to it often!!
Sign the Guest book and register on the message center


Consistency is the key to success in life. During your first 3 months in Mary Kay ONLY, you have the opportunity to be rewarded. By placing a wholesale order* to the company your first three months in a row you will earn a BEAUTIFUL GOLD TONED STAR PIN ENHANCER to wear around your MK pin!

Consistency in Mary Kay builds your inventory and your income potential.

Keep checking the calendar of events section so you'll know when all of our trainings and guest events are scheduled!
But Who Would I Sell To?

In addition to the obvious of your immediate family,
in-laws, cousins, neighbors, friends, and work associates,

What about the person...

From your old job?
From school or college?
From your favorite sports or hobbies? From your children's activities? From your church?
From municipal activities?
Because you rent or own your own home?
Because you have lived in other neighborhoods? Who sold your house?
Who do you know through your husband or boyfriend?
Who checks you through at the grocery store? 
   At the cleaners?
   At the drugstore?
Your doctor? OB-GYN? Dentist? Attorney? Optometrist'?
Their secretaries and office staff? At your dentists office?
Who sells you your clothes? Your shoes? Who gives your children music lessons?
Who waits on your table at your favorite restaurant?
Who is the fashion and beauty editor of your local newspaper?
Who cuts your hair?
Who leads your PTA? Girl Scout Leader?
Who bought the new house an your street?
Who is your bank teller?
Who is your florist?
Who was the nurse that looked after you in the hospital? Who was the maid of honor? Who is the cleaning lady?
Who is that nice woman you met while______?
While in line at the grocery store? Or at the bank?
Who was the bride you saw pictured in the local newspaper?
Who is your child's teacher?
The secretary at his/her school?
Who did you meet while on vacation?
Who checked you into the hotel/motel?
Who sold you your glasses?
Who fills your prescriptions?
Who did you meet at the local business women's luncheon?
Who's behind the desk at your health club?
Who served you the last time you were at the jewelry store?
The last time you booked a vacation? The last time you bought a painting?
Who gave you decorating advice?
What woman did you read about in the business section that just got a big promotion?
Who is the receptionist at your hair salon.? Nail salon?
Use the following script..word for word.....
Hi_________. You'll never believe what I'm doing. I'm a new Mary Kay Beauty consultant, and I'm calling you for your encouragement, not discouragement. I'm teaching skin care with Mary Kay Cosmetics and I'm calling to borrow your face. Can I count on you? GREAT!! I have another idea. When we have your appointment can you invite 2 or 3 friends so I can get 3-4 faces instead of just one? I'll have a great gift for you.

Write Down 25 Names
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
_______________________________________ __________________________________
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
_______________________________________ ______________________________________
_______________________________________ ______________________________________
_______________________________________ ______________________________________
_______________________________________ ______________________________________
_______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________

NO PRE-JUDGING! Only prerequisite: She Must Have Skin!

$1,099.5O/year of Commonly Used Products X 25 Customers = $27,487.50 / Year

$13,743.75 = Gross Profit when ordered at 50%! By servicing YOURSELF and your closest family and friends!!!


Subject: Inventory - A Businesswoman's View

WOW!!! Great messages on inventory. Thanks to N.S.D. Sheron Flaster for passing this on.

I can not STRESS enough the value of having your inventory, your store, fully stocked with lots of choices or how many new customers I kept over the years because I can service them on the spot. I can't tell you how much more in sales I have because of impulse buying, they see it, they like it, they buy it.

I pray for you to turn over a new thought about your inventory. Get it up to profit level, star level, with up to $1010 in FREE PRODUCT, is a perfect time to invest in yourself. Mary Kay always taught us to take action when the MOST is being given away. This offsets interest on a loan and gives you an opportunity to really make money. Think different abundance thoughts so you can have an abundant life. God does want you to step out of your comfort zone, grow, rely on HIM. Small thoughts, actions, plans, produce small results. BIG thoughts, actions and plans, produce BIG results. It is a choice. How are you going to choose today!!!!!
Here is a true N.S.D. story about vision: One day a N.S.D.'s husband said I meant to tell you; I invested $10,000 dollars in (whatever) and we will make 7% interest on the money in 7 years. She said, Oh, really? He said, What's wrong? She said, Nothing. He said, I know something is wrong; what is it? She said, Well, I was thinking that if you had invested the $10,000 in Mary Kay products, I would have received 13% (her Unit Commission) on $10,000 immediately - that would be $1,300, some gorgeous prizes, probably a TOP TRIP with Mary Kay and 50% on the $10,000 - that would be $10,000, when I sold it! And it wouldn't take me 7 years to sell it! That would be $11,300 plus we would make on our $10,000. How many of us look at our Mary Kay inventory this way? Or do we look at it as something we hope we can sell.

The best interest you can get on your money RIGHT NOW is to invest in your Mary Kay inventory and learn to be the best Mary Kay Consultant in the business. What do you listen to when you get in your car? I hope it is motivational tapes. Other consultants are doing it. Find out how. What about the interest on the loan? When you are working a profitable business, you are making a lot of money and you need tax benefits. Besides the free product you would get between now and Tuesday will come very close to paying the interest and you still get the deduction for the interest.  I didn't understand that what ever I was making, I needed to get my TAXABLE INCOME down to zero or as close to zero as I could. Say you are making $40,000 at your job. You want enough tax shelter to get $40,000 down to zero or as close to zero as you can. You probably don't have ANY tax shelter working for someone else. With Mary Kay you do! Maybe you do want to quit your job but you say, The Company pays for my insurance . That is not true! The Company doesn't pay for your insurance, you do! They just don't pay you what you are worth because they are using the money they should pay you to pay for your insurance. If you allow yourself to earn more money it is easy to pay for your own insurance.


This sheet is to assist you in keeping Records for your Taxes I strongly encourage you to hire a CPA. This is a small business and you need a person that understands small business and the business of Mary Kay.

RECEIPTS (total $s received after discounts) (@ RETAIL OPERATING EXPENSES (some allocated per business usage)_______

Net Sales Including Tax (add up sales tickets)$_____________

Advertising (printing) & Preferred Customer Program _______________

Dovetail Received & Sales to Consult. + Tax$______________ Bank & C.C.

Processing (pink stubs) Fees ___________________

Returns & Uncollected Sales Incl. in Net Sales $_______________ Product Liab.
Insurance (from M-K)_________

Recruiter/Director Commission (1099-MISC)$______________

Loan/Credit Card Int. Incurred for M-K __________

Total Prizes & Awards (Inc. Advisory Stmt.) $ Tax Preparation Fee (if filed M-K last yr.) ________________

* Pers. use, gifts, & inventory valued(& wholesale = 1/2 retail)_______________

Office Supplies (put furn./equip. on back) _______________


Rent (mtg. rooms, dues, raffles, storage)_____________________

Begin. Inventory on 1/l/9- (lst yr. = 'O ) Facial Supplies (cotton balls, washcloths, etc.) ___________

Purch. of Sect. I (invoices + other cons.,)$__________

Travel/Transportation (plane/train/bus) ___________

Personal Use of Section I Cosmetics & Vita. $_________

Hotels (at Seminar or M-K out of town)____________________

Section 1 Cosmetics & Vitamins Given Away$____________ Meals (including Seminars & out of town) _______________

Purch. of Sect. 2 (Beauty Case, inv., & OTC)$ Food & Drinks Provided for M-K Mtgs. ____________________

Sales Tax on Sections 1, 2, & 3(Invoices) ______________

Separate (bus.) Ph. Line + M-K Long Distance _______________

End. Inv. (only Sect. 1 & Vita. on 12/31/@_)$ ___________ Car Ph., Beeper, Call Notes ____________________
* The space for office in home must be used exclusive for bus.

Seminars + Motivation Book/Tape/Video ________________

OFFICE IN HOME DATA (if two homes used, Director Suit/Red Jacket/Seminar
Dress ______________

Square Feet of Office and Storage Space _________________

Laundry, Dry cleaning, & Alter. __________________

Square Feet of Apt./House (excluding garage) _____________

Basket Materials (shrink wrap, moss, etc.)___________

Date Apartment/House Rented or Purchased_____________

Postage & Freight (add up M-K invoices)_________________

Date You Started Your Mary Kay Business_______________

Hostess Gifts (other than M-K product) __________________

Purchase Price + Closing improvements$________________

Film + Devel. Costs (before & after pics.)_________________

Estimated Value of the Land (tax appraisal)____________

$ Dues & Publications (bus./glamour mag.) ________________

OFFICE IN HOME DEDUCTIONS (for 2, separate by a Consultant Prizes,

Awards, & Promotions ____________________

Mortgage Interest (Form 1098/coupon book)______________

$ Contract Labor (to kids, babysitters, asst.) ____________________

Property Taxes (Form 1098/coupon book)$_______________

Other (rent car, dovetail pd., internet) ________________

Hazard Insurance (Form 1098/coupon book)______________


Repairs, Lawn Maintenance, & Pest Control $ Gas, Repairs, Parts, Maint., & Car Wash $____________________

Security, Housekeeper, & Association Fees $ Insurance, Tags, lnspec. Sticker, & AAA ____________________

Utilities: Gas $_____Water $_______ Elect. $___________ Parking & Tolls

$..Inclusion Amt. (I'll do)______________

*Circle whether purchased or leased CAR USAGE DATA FOR EACH CAR USED * Also, draw arrow to which car leased Year, Make and Model

__________________ Only Mary Kay Miles Driven for Each Car $________________

Date Purchased/Leased* _______________ Total Miles Driven for the Yr. (ea. car) $__________________

Purchase/Lease* Price Incl. Tax _________ Round Trip Commute - Did Spouse Have a Car? $__________