Add 500 New Customers!!

Thanks to by Helene Smith!

Add 500 New Customers!
The #1 Consultant in the U.S. added 500 new customers in 1 year! She is married, has 5
kids (ages 4-14) and had major debt issues. Ok, so you want to hear how she did it?!
The Consultant who added the 500 new customers is now a Sales Director, she was a
consultant when she started the year. You must consistently hold 2-3 classes per week and
commit to using the 4-point Recruiting Plan at every appointment.

At every class she sold between 2-3 New Skin Care Sets. After closing the sale on the
basic, she then said: "Now_____, as far as your reorder, would you like to pay full price,
or would you like to get if free?"

Upon the customer saying "free", then say, "Then I have a special offer just for you."
Hand her 3 profile cards, 3 TimeWise samples, Day/night sample, 3 brochures (point out the
foundation shades and 3 sales slips. Then tell her, "If you can turn 3 of your friends on to
our TimeWise Skin Care Program, selling 3 Basic Sets within the next 72 hours, you get
your reorder 3 piece set FREE! What do you think, isn't it worth a try?" Set up a time
immediately to pick up her orders OR have her come and meet you.

When the customer comes back in 72 hours, say... "Well, there is one more question I need
to ask...would you like to take the profit from this sale or would you like me to have it?"
When they answer, "I want it, but how can I do that?"
Answer: "Well, right now you can see you can definitely sell this product wouldn't you
agree? And you found the time to make 297 dollars in sales for maybe one hour of work."
Tell her about the FREE 'on the go' kit . . . Give her an agreement and remind her she now
has her first 3 customers (her friends) and then show her how to ask them to sell 3 sets
for her to get their re-order for FREE. That would be 9 Basics in a 72 hour period and the
new consultant would have retailed over $891 dollars!!
What a great start!! Her Perfect Start is almost already completed! read on...

Here are the results for the Consultant who worked this strategy:
1. Achieved Sales Directorship within 4 months of making the decision to do this.
2. 516 NEW Basic customers, more bookings than she can hold (so dovetail)
3. Debt FREE and money in the bank!
4. Four Offspring Sales Directors - because her new team members started doing what
she was doing. (Booking, Selling & Team Building)
She became a Senior Director the same year she debuted as a Director! Her New
Offspring Directors have been in the company less than one year.
Would it be worth it for you to give it a try?
Go for it! Go for Directorship and do it FAST!
Or, could you get excited about selling all those new Basics (500 x 99.00 = 49,500 CASH
from Basic sales alone) not to mention colour products, fragrances, etc. they will also buy
from you and the every 2-3 month re-order they will need on their Skin Care Regimen. Put
them on your Preferred Customer Program!

By working this strategy you will be in the Queen's Court of Sales and with DOUBLE
CREDIT the Queen's Court of Recruiting! That would be a diamond ring and a diamond
bumble bee! Of course, there will be commission cheques on your team!
Now, before "Negative Nellie" starts talkin' and says, "But what if they don't want to sell
3 sets or don't sell 3 sets to their friends?" the answer is, "SO, THEY DON'T." Now,
move on to your next class. "Some will, some won't, & so what, some are waiting." Don't
let anyone take away your excitement! JUST DO IT!

"If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't - you're right." Mary Kay Ash