
With thanks to Sherri Ammons.

This is a great way to generate 75 - 100 leads in about 10 days. The key, as in everything, is QUICK followup!!! Happy Prospecting . . .

1. You will need to make up 30 - 75 Facials on the Go packs consisting of your TimeWise Brochure and your TimeWise Samples. I like to use double-sided sticky tape and apply the samples to the back of the brochure complete with address label. If you do not have these today, ORDER THEM, and while you await your order make up 30 "sample" cards or Look Cards (samples of lip colours, eye colours and cheek colours. Do this today with whatever samples you have, but order your TimeWise samples and Brochures NOW!!!

2. Make a list of women who you like and respect their opinion; Clients, women who work in large offices, women who love a sale or free product, neighbours, your children's teachers, previous hostesses, prospective team members who just haven't yet decided, your Dr's receptionist, women who live further afield who you've not yet been able to visit.

3. Call your list with this Dialogue:
"Hi ........... this is .......... with Mary Kay. How are you - can you hear me ok? Great! I'm involved with the "World's Largest Skincare Survey" thats going on and I've been tasked with collecting the honest opinion of 100 women in your(our) area in the next 10 days!! Isn't that exciting??!! I immediatly thought of you cause I know I can count on you to be honest with me, can't I? Here's how we can do it - I realize that your and your friends are all soooo busy right now, so I have a "Goody Basket" of Facials on the Go that I'd like to bring to you. You can let your friends and co-workers that you see tomorrow have a pack and sign the sheet AND I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO GIVE YOU $1 IN PRODUCT FOR EACH PERSON WHO TAKES A PACK AND GIVES THEIR CONTACT DETAILS. I can then call them in a few days and ask them a few quick questions over the phone or on email if that is easier. I have been allowed FREE Products to give to anyone who accepts a basket to share - what would you prefer; something for your eyes, lips or body?" (YOU DECIDE WHAT YOU HAVE IN STOCK TO GIVE AWAY!! example, Indulge Eye Gel, Satin Lips or Body Smoothing Scrub)

"Great - that means that I need to put 10 - 15 packets in your basket so you can earn that completely FREE!! I'll bring your basket round to your home/office tomorrow morning so that you can get started early. Let's set a time on ......... so I can come round and collect the empty basket and your list. I'll bring your gift with me too!" (schedule the time to pick them up before you hang up!)

Make sure that she understand that you need these women to put their info on the sign-up sheet so you can get their opinion over the phone or the net. As soon as you get the basket back with the names, call each lady and ask the opinion survey questions. You may want to put some Look Books in the basket also so they can shop. DO NOT PUT THE QUESTIONAIRE OR SURVEY CARDS IN THE BASKET! Title your sign-in sheet as: "THE WORLD'S LARGEST SKINCARE SURVEY"

Please take a FREE facial on the Go compliments of Mary Kay. Try the products tonight and in the morning and be prepared to give your honest opinion in the next few days. A local Skincare Consultant will be calling you to ask a few questions about their new products. Feel free to take a brochure also. Thank you for your time and your anticipated

Name: ..................................................
Phone Number: (h)................. (w) ...............
Email address: .........................................
Best time to call: .....................................
Make your sign-in sheet large enough to include every sample provided.