Millionaires on the Move In Training

Our goal is excellence! And my goal is to equip you with the tools you need to achieve success.

My belief is that if you have what you need at your fingertips you will feel empowered to conduct business with integrity and professionalism!

The purpose of this website is to offer you the tools so that you can sell your product, build a strong customer base, and make positive daily choices to get your systems in place so that you may book, coach, sell and recruit with integrity and a positive expectancy.

Table of Contents previous
Model of Beauty Search Information
Model of Beauty Contest

Contest Overview
Steps to Enter
Entry Form
Official Rules
Promotional Tools
Suggested Dialogues


Send an MKeCard

Behind-the-Scenes Video 

Create-a-Look Online Makeover

Click here to access and print Entry Forms for customers interested in entering the contest at the color appointment.

Every woman can be a model of beauty, whether she glows on the outside or shines from within. Because that inner and outer beauty deserves to be celebrated for the daily joy it brings to others, were introducing the Mary Kay Model of Beauty
SMSearch consumer contest! Customers who enter have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be a model in an upcoming issue of The Look!

Click on the links to the right to answer any questions regarding the Mary Kay Model of Beauty

 ( YOU can do 100 faces in 100 days!)
Model of Beauty Confirmation Postcard
Model of Beauty Flyer
Tracking sheet


Create a Look Info Card
Create A Look Summer Book*
Create A Look Model Book*
Booking Scripts*
Model Cards*
Color Cards*

In The Glow

Natural Wonder

Striking Vision

Dressed To Frill