Millionaires on the Move In Training

Our goal is excellence! And my goal is to equip you with the tools you need to achieve success.

My belief is that if you have what you need at your fingertips you will feel empowered to conduct business with integrity and professionalism!

The purpose of this website is to offer you the tools so that you can sell your product, build a strong customer base, and make positive daily choices to get your systems in place so that you may book, coach, sell and recruit with integrity and a positive expectancy.

Table of Contents previous
2008 Area Retreat Notes



  1. Invocation by Rev. Mildred Perkins -- right click on this link to download to your computer
  2. I Have the Power by Michele Halliburton --  right click on this link to download to your computer
  3. Time Management/Organization by Michele Halliburton --  right click on this link to download to your computer
  4. Team Building Techniques by Theresa Thomas --  right click on this link to download to your computer
  5. Holiday Sales by Shanda Dokes --  right click on this link to download to your computer


  1. Deb Dudas Package
  2. Recruiting for Results
  3. Interview Scripts (actually these are scripts for every situation)
  4. 15 Interviews to Your Red Jacket
  5. 10 Steps to your Red Jacket
  6. Think Richer flyer
  7. $10,000 Christmas Cash Plan